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bodywisdom media / FAQs / Playing 15 Minute Office Yoga

I am having problems playing 15 Minute Office Yoga on my computer.

If your computer does not have QuickTime already installed, you will need to install it. The QuickTime installer is included on the CD-ROM. The CD-ROM will work fine if you have QuickTime already installed. If you do not have QuickTime installed you will get a "script error" when you play the CD-ROM. Instructions for Installing QuickTime for PC users:

1) After putting the CD-ROM into the computer, the yoga program will boot automatically. Exit the program, but keep the CD-ROM in the computer.

2) Go to "My Computer" and right click on the CD-ROM. Select "Open"

3) Double Click on QuickTime CD Installer

4) Double Click on QuickTime Installer (not on the QuickTime Installer Cache)

5) Follow the instructions for installation and when it asks for a registration code, just press "ok"

Macintosh users will have QuickTime installed. Please note that 15 Minute Office Yoga will not run on OSX. An OSX version will be available soon.

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