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Perfect Core

Ultimate Body Beginning Workouts For Weight Loss™

Ultimate Body Challenging Workouts For Weight Loss™

Core Ball

Core Ball Kit

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Core Ball Kit Includes:

CORE BALL FOR BEGINNERS & BEYOND  The workout release Core Ball for Beginners and Beyond features 10 easy-to-follow regimens, designed to work one's midsection with the use of an exercise ball. Each featured routine is suitable for exercisers with a slightly different level of fitness experience, from novice through advanced; the beginning-level workouts focus on basic techniques for using the ball, while the advanced workouts in question are designed to firm, tone and power-sculpt one's abdominal muscles. Several of the routines focus on target areas of the body, including dorsals, arms, legs and gluteus maximus; the release also includes routines designed to shape and strengthen one's overall physique. ~ Nathan Southern, All Movie Guide.

Includes a detailed introduction to exercising with a ball, Basic routines for absolute beginners, More challenging workouts to burn calories and tone your abs, Routines that target the abs, legs, arms, back and butt, Total body fat burning routines to tone, tighten and shape your entire body.

- Exercise Ball

-pump $69.95
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